Temps/Phase 1

Activation des outils à vis sans fin – Jardinage Montières

Activation of the worm tools – Gardening Montières



Temps 1:

Restructurer, decompacter

( demain – année 1 )




Phase 1:



(Tomorrow – 1 year)

1.Infiltrer, perforer et relier les espaces et les ressources de Montieres:

La premiere phase du projet est rythmée par des temps de recherche et d’action. Le travail sur le terrain permet d’infiltrer la zone d’activité pour répertorier, les usages, l’état et la quantité des ressources disponibles (les matériaux, les végétaux, les sols et les eaux) collecter les données urbaines et écologiques, et ajuster le projet avec les partenaires. Pendant cette première étape des chantiers participatifs proposent d’investir le bois de Montières, les rives de la Somme, la friche Step Orion et d’ouvrir certains sols imperméabilisés de l’espace Alliance Immochan. Ces interventions permettent de préparer le terrain, de restaurer des voisinages fertiles, d’amorcer le laboratoire des sols, et de préfigurer les transformations futures.

1.Infiltrate, perforate and connect Montières spaces and resources:

Kick-off phase: Planned for the Montieres neighbourhood, the project will help awareness of urban and ecological processes, by bringing local research institutions, schools, associations upon many other actors into discussing the topic of urban soil.
During the first phase, our team will lead the negotiation process with the partners, gradually testing specific actions on the field (scale 1:1 worksite constructions) and designing scenarios to bring regenerative infrastructure into the urban scale and the everyday life of Montières neighbourhood.

During this first stage, participative projects propose to enter and interact with the wood of Montières, the banks of the Somme, the Step Orion wasteland and to open some waterproof grounds in the Alliance Immochan area. These interventions make it possible to prepare the ground, to restore fertile neighborhoods, to start the soil laboratory, and to foreshadow future transformations.

1. Jardiner La Forêt

Le bois de Montières constitue une réserve forestière, une pépinière naturelle, un espace récréatif (pistes de BMX) et une source potentielle de biomasse sous-estimé. Le projet met en relation une gestion productive de la forêt avec la transformation de Montières
Dans un premier temps les déchets organiques du bois sont collectés et compostés dans les anciens hangars de la friche STEP ORION pour produire du compost et de l’énergie. Le compost est utilisé pour amender les sols
du quartier tout au long du projet. Des jeunes plants sont sélectionnés pour être replantés dans un réseau de pépinières urbaines dans les espaces Alliance-Immochan, le long du canal, certaines parcelles en friche.

1- Gardening the forests

A- The collected organic waste after gardening goes in the first biomass compost place that can be installed in the build- ing of Orion STEP
B- Identification of the soil and soil conditions + A first collection (prelevement) of baby trees to be replanted in other project areas as e.g. at instantly accessible areas at the Immochan or Alliance.
C- Start of the urban nursery with the baby trees collected in the forest in the already unsealed and not too damaged soils of the Immochan- Alliance areas, some plots along the canal, wastelands on the Somme river. We aim to intervene on little plots that can awake the site, and allow communication with inhabitants about the project as they can see things are changing in their neighborhood.
D- First composting of biomass gained from the management of the forest and the brownfield of Orion Step ca be already use to enrich soils.
In the long term (from phase 2 and on): The project includes the biotic restoration of the forest soils over time. The site is planned to be forest reserve, nursery, education center, eco-retreat, and a space for eco-tourism related to the Veloroute A30. Each should reveals details about the Le Somme flora, fauna, geology, or hydrology while emphasizing the surroundings’ historical, sociocultural, economical and ecological influences. The management actions aim to enhance local cultural and ecological interactions often unexpected in the forest as the already existing BMX piste.

2. Jardiner le Bitume

L’espace Alliance Immochan présente d’importantes surfaces imperméabilisées aujourd’hui inutilisées. Les espaces disponibles sont investis pour amorcer le laboratoire des sols et construire un réseau d’espaces ouverts productifs. La régénération des sols et la restructuration des parcelles est permise par l’ouverture, le décompactage des surfaces imperméabilisées et l’installation de pépinières urbaine. Ces espaces ouverts sont alimentés par un réseau de noues qui rend visible le cheminement de l’eau et permet la collecte et la phytoremédiation des eaux de pluies.

2. Gardening the asphalt

In short and middle term (Phase 1 and 2): Unsealed but not extremely polluted industrial brownfields and backfills soils will be identified for slowly regeneration and recover (de-compactig, restructuring and enriching) into healthy and fertile soils– this will be done by using methods of bioremediation. (e.g. layerings of humus and phytoremediation using the to be planted nursery plants).
In over-dimensioned and disused paved areas the pavement will be perforated for cultivation and installation of pounds for phytoremediation. Stormwater runoff from the surrounding circulation and parking network in the Inmochan and Alliance area contains multiple pollutants such as sediments, metals, and oils lifted during rain events. This action mitigates the urban sewer system showing an alternative at the technical level, but much more, at the conceptual level, it emphasise in the possibility of managing resources locally reducing the dimensions of centralised and sectored extensive infrastructures.

In the long term (phase 2 and 3 +): The design of the Lowlands Network aims to expand and diversify the public realm and re-scale the space by reducing the footprint of the mono-functional and autarkic industrial and commercial buildings while infiltrating water and hosting the exten- sive urban nursery. The result is a porous public space: rainwater filters into the soil below and is recycled before been given back to the ground soil, the nursery helps to de-compact, restore and enrich the soil slowly. What would typically be an impervious mono-functional hardscape is rethought as a neighbourhood scale productive space.

3. Jardiner la Somme

L’espace Orion Step constitue une charnière entre le centre-ville d’Amiens et la zone d’activité. Les chantiers participatifs s’attèlent à restaurer des continuités horizontales et verticales. Des traversées entre la friche, le canal et la sommes sont rétablies. Dans l’épaisseur de ces espaces, les sols de la friche sont ouverts, décompactés et amendés. Les algues invasives Myriophylum Aquaticum présentent dans la Somme sont extraites et compostées dans les anciens hangars pour produire de la biomasse.

3. Gardening La Somme

The Orion Step space constitutes a transition between the town centre of Amiens and the business area. The workshops restore paths between the uncultivated land, the canal and the Somme River. In the density of these spaces, the soils of the wasteland are open, decompacted and improved. The invasive algae Myriophylum Aquaticum that can be found in the River are extracted and composted in former former warehouses in order to produce biomass.

In this step, many design intervention will not be physical ones, but communication tools – that will use many different modalities as maps, scale models, stake off actions, and walks for the understanding and interpretation of urban systems. The communication workshops and building actions will give a broad understanding of the biophysics of the area, the La Somme Garden and the river, linking it with the history, culture, and ecology of the city.
Different workshop with different actors on and outside the Orion-STEP area will: make an inventory of the existing vegetation and use these actions for educative purposes, clear (défricher) the vegetation that will not be needed, define an area for starting the composting processes, getting to know and first extractions of the Myriophylum Aquaticum, imagine and project the future space of the La Somme Garden, clear the surroundings of the buildings, enter the buildings and start appropriate them and re-establish a relation between the site, the channel and the river